5 lessons I learned in 2020 - and how I am using them to live my best life in 2021


Today marks the first day of a fresh start so many people have been waiting for.  All that is happened in 2020 is now behind us and we get the opportunity to start a brand-new year. Let’s be honest, 2020 was a hot mess for most of us, however I do believe that those experiences (whether it was good or bad for you) were there to teach us the lessons god would have us learn. Therefore today I am sharing with you 5 lessons I learned in 2020 and how I am using them to live my best life in 2021

1.  You are responsible for your own happiness
for some reason we as women are trained to believe that once we attain the degree, that prestige job and find ourselves in the relationship it will automatically lead to ultimate happiness. However to tell you the truth once I was able to tick these boxes I realized I still struggled. I still wanted more for my life and wasn’t quite satisfied. Of course you could say I am ambitious and driven and it’s normal to want more and better for your life. However I felt like I constantly needed to do more and therefore all the areas in my life needed to be more. I put myself on this never ending, exhausting rat race and expected all these external things to eventually make me happy. Well guess again honey! Joy and true happiness has to come from within and all along it should have been me that needed to make that happen. I needed to slow down and look within. I needed to nurture the relationship with myself and carefully examine what I was exactly craving all along. I needed to figure out what I liked, what made me laugh out loud and made me feel good. It was my own job to make these things a priority. Therefore in the New Year I pledge to continue to make my happiness a priority. To do more of what makes MY heart smile. It’s nobody’s responsibility but mine. That also means taking action and planning activities I enjoy. Even doing it alone if need be. Just do it! So this year I will book myself that spa day and get a massage. I will buy myself that gift I have been wanting and make it a priority to take time to read that book that’s been lying on my bedside table for months. Whatever it is that my heart desires, 2020 has thought me that it’s my responsibility to make it a priority and make it happen.

2.  Always have something to look forward to
2020 was a year of uncertainty.  We spend most of the year not knowing what was going to happen next. We were all forced to slow down and release control. For someone that could be categorized as a “control-freak” this aspect of feeling like I was losing control over my life did not sit well with me. Having a milestone to work towards or planning a trip I can look forward to are examples of things that genuinely boost my energy level. Not having that scared me and made me feel down to be honest. I learned that having something to look forward gives me the energy and motivation I need to push through in dark times. It’s something that has helped me immensely in the past and I will continue to make a priority in this New Year for me to stay sane. Whether it’s a big or small celebration such as a (small) victory at work, a birthday or holiday, a spa day with my girlfriends or simply a beauty appointment. I have learned that it is so important to have something to look forward  

3. Health is Wealth. Always make it a priority!

While being in my twenties, I never really made health a priority in my life. Of course, I try to work out and eat healthy but I always just expected my body to just do what I needed it to without making it a priority to rest. If 2020 thought us anything, it’s that our health is not guaranteed. Taking care of our body’s is a must. Now this doesn’t mean you have to be in the gym 7 days a week, but we do have to move and nurture our body’s. Start with taking regular walks around the block. You can even schedule walks with your partner or a friend and catch up or take that opportunity to clear your head while listening to nature or a podcast. If walking is not your thing you might want to try yoga or dancing. I personally love dancing. Dancing to beat of some good music is also a great way to add to your daily step count.  Also making sure you get enough sleep and drink your water.  

4. When given the opportunity always give freely without expectation
Sometimes when we give, we expect the person to return a favor or pay us back. If 2020 has thought me anything is that we are here on earth to serve. If you get an opportunity to give always give freely. As it’s not people that pay us back, it is god. Our blessings come from the lord (or as some may call it; the universe) and not people.  If you are going to give only to wait for people to give back to you what was given or even say thank you, you will end up disappointed. Some people will always want more and other just won’t have the same values as you.  And that is OK because the universe has your back and karma points is a real thing. So in 2021 I will give freely and not expect anything in return. Don’t believe me? Just try it and you’ll see how god will pay you back in the most unexpected ways

5. Live with urgency
A lot of people have experienced loss in 2020. The past year has shown us that we are not immortal and tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Therefore stop waiting for the perfect timing. Do IT now!! That business you want to start? Do it now! That blog? That Idea? That guy you fancy? That trip you have always wanted to make or that language you want to learn? Just DO IT! Start planning and attaching a deadline to that goal! Please take action, make it happen and start living your life.

Now I am curious. What are some of the lessons that you have learned in 2020 and taking with you into this New Year?  Let me know in the comments below or send me a DM on Instagram!

Happy & Healthy New Year!



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