Get to know me | 30 Vogue Questions


If you know me, then you know that I am obsessed with Youtube. I love watching Youtube so much because to me it is  an endless world of information and inspiration. Anything you want to know and learn, you can find it on youtube. There is a niche for everyone. Since I  am a fashion lover, one of the segments I love to watch on Youtube is Vogue’s 73 questions. And if I am being honest a wild dream of mine is to be interviewed by the Vogue’s guy. However since there is no reason for him to knock on my door and interview me, I thought it would be fun and a great way for you reading this blog right now to get to know me a little bit better while I answer 30 questions by Vogue. Why 30? Last month I turned 30 so it’s only fitting I answer 30 questions. Here we go..

  1. What’s your favorite time of day? Mid day, usually the warmest time of the day. It’s not to early and it’s a reminder that the day still has more to offer

  2. What’s your go to bed ritual?
    I thank god for giving me another day and I think of 3 things I was grateful for that day

  3. On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? I am honestly at a 9. Despite the fact that we are living in a pandemic, I am so grateful that my family and friends are healthy. I am loved, I have a job and since I turned 30 last month I am genuinely excited for what this new decade has to offer

  4. Dream country to visit? At the moment I am dreaming of taking a romantic holiday to the Maldives

  5. Heels or flats/sneakers? Heels girl, ALL DAY.. I feel at my best in heels

  6. What are three things you can’t live without? God; my faith, music and food. I am such a foodie. Without these 3 I wouldn’t be me

  7. What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for? Oprah Winfrey, my late grandmother and Nelson Mandela

  8. Window or aisle seat? Window seat! I love the feeling of taking off in a plane and being among the clouds so being able to have a closer look of the clouds just gives me joy

  9. What’s your biggest fear in life? Rats. Girl, I can’t! It a phobia of mine. Crazy fact. I once had a mouse run through my student studio apartment (it was an old building)and I was scared to death and I immediately left the house and waited in a library nearby until my mom could come from another part of the country to help me deal with that issue. Luckily it was the first and last time I saw that mouse, and not long after I moved house. So just to show you I don’t play with those animals. Yes, I am a grown woman but I will call my mom with no shame.

  10. Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life? Move to the US for a temp job alone without me ever gone to the US before. I did not know anyone and I didn’t have a place or house to stay at before getting on the flight. I just booked a hotel 3 days and figured it out once I got there.

  11. Must have clothing item everyone should have? A timeless structured blazer

  12. What’s inspiring you in life right now? Educated women owning their own businesses, being extremely successful, making serious money and living a luxury lifestyle we all deserve. Women making moves to better their lives makes me happy and gets me super inspired for us.

  13. Best piece of advice you’ve received? From my mom. She always tells me “Make it work!” Basically I always hear her saying this in my mind and It reminds me that everything I want to do or achieve is “figure-outable”.

  14. Best advice you’d give your teenage self? You already know the woman you are going to be and you know you have the drive to get there. Now give yourself the time to get there. No need to rush. Take your time. Everything will happen when it is supposed to. Ps. Your future's so bright, that guy you are worrying about won’t be able to go to the next level with you.

  15. A book that everyone should read? Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers. Such a relatable book and applicable to so many areas in our lives.

  16. What would you like to be remembered for? A woman that brought light into every room she entered and left the room feeling a little bit better and brighter when she leaves. Whether it’s with a smile, a listening ear or a word of encouragement. I want to shine light in every room I enter and make people feel just that little bit better with my presence.

  17. How do you define beauty? Soul energy shining from the inside out

  18. What do you love most about your body? The color of my skin. Having this melanin skin isn’t always easy. It definitely comes with a lot of negative preconceptions but the beauty and richness of my skin and the strength and cultural history that it represents makes me proud of the skin I am in.

  19. If your life were a song, what would the title be? With love and respect, I did it my way.

  20. If you could master one instrument, what would it be? The piano. I have always been a fan of Alicia Keys and admired her ability to play the piano. I feel like it is an instrument that can move people in such a special way

  21. Dolphins or koalas? Both cute, but I would 100% go for a dolphin. I am a water (zodiac) sign so I have to go for the fish.

  22. Best gift you’ve ever received? The gift of life. Best gift given by god through my parents.

  23. What’s your favorite color? Turquoise

  24. Drugstore makeup or designer? Mix of both. I have tried a lot of brands and the price of designer does not necessarily mean it is better than drugstore makeup.

  25. Coffee or tea? Tea, all day. I don’t drink coffee. Herbal teas just give me life and make me happy.

  26. Summer or winter? Summer of course! Since I was born on an Island, I definitely feel at my best in the summer.

  27. A skill you’re working on mastering? I am working on getting back to being fluent in Spanish and becoming an inspirational & engaging manager to my team

  28. If you made a documentary, what would it be about? Women in this day and age making history

  29. Best compliment you’ve ever received? “You made me realize my strength and power as a woman.

  30. Your affirmation for today? Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied. 


There you have it ladies. 30 questions in celebration of my 30th life chapter. I hope this helped you to get to know me a bit better. In case you are curious on how I would answer the other 43 questions, please leave a comment below and I will do a part 2 of the vogue’s questions. Also, if you have other questions or a suggestion, feel free to send me an email or dm me via instagram. For now, I am wishing you a lovely day and I will catch you on the blog next time.

With love always,


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